Click a work sample's title to view that sample's page.
Palindrome Detector
This program accepts a string from a user
and then determines whether that string is a palindrome (a word
or phrase spelled the same way forwards and backwards).
Non-alphabetic characters are ignored, so the string could be a
word, phrase, or sentence.
Date of Work:
March 25, 2019
Skills Demonstrated:
Java, JavaFX, CSS
Opacity Adjuster
This program allows a user to
choose an image file and then use a slider control to
change the opacity of the image. Written for
Programming III.
Date of Work:
March 7, 2019
Skills Demonstrated:
Java, JavaFX, CSS
Smartphone Packages
This program calculates the total cost of
smartphone package options that a user selects from a menu
Date of Work:
February 21, 2019
Skills Demonstrated:
Java, JavaFX, CSS